A Faire of the Heart 2013

A Faire of the Heart was an affair to remember

IMG_7053On April 9th 2013, the Beverly Hills Hotel was transformed into Studio 54 when Disco Queen Maxine Nightingale hit the stage and was joined by the more adventurous guests at the A Faire of the Heart gala. The dancing at the end of the evening capped off a memorable night that celebrated the extraordinary accomplishments of Cloris Leachman, Dr. Phillip Musikanth, and Laurie Hasencamp, Esq. In a room filled with friends, family, and fans, these honorees received standing ovations for their work to promote equality, housing rights, and health.Hal Sparks was a brilliant Master of Ceremonies who smoothly steered the evening from the most heartfelt moments – a speech by one of our clients – to the hilarious – Cloris Leachman stuffing her glass award into her dress.The event was a financial success thanks to the tireless efforts of our wonderful Event Committee led by Warren Wimmer and Dave Walsh.Click here to view more photos.Thank you to everyone who supported A Faire of the Heart 2013 including our generous sponsors:
AFaire 2013 Sponsors Image