For multi-diagnosed people living with HIV/AIDS, a stable place to live is critical to connecting to specialized care, adhering to often comlicated treatment regimens and to fostering the built-in support system that a family so often provides. CHOISS (Community Housing Options and Independent Supportive Sites – pronounced “choice”) is designed to allow destitute individuals dealing with symptomatic HIV and a verified second diagnosis–such as mental illness, substance abuse or physical disability–to live on their own, either alone or with family members, rather than on the street.
The housing consists of nearly 125 rental units leased across Los Angeles County. Alliance for Housing and Healing acts as liaison between the property manager and the CHOISS client, assisting its residents–who may be completely new to the responsibilities of independent living–on everything from understanding a lease agreement to general housekeeping. Alliance for Housing and Healing subsidizes rent, a portion of telephone and utilities and handles move-in, maintenance and lease-increase costs. Persons who are indigent pay no rent.
Launched in 1998, CHOISS provides desperately needed homes and supportive services to a diverse and growing group of individuals and their families. Since its inception, CHOISS has provided housing and care to over 600 persons – among them nearly 200 dependent children.
Our Permanent Supportive Housing Program provides individuals and families who have been homeless or unstably housed a furnished apartment and the support needed to allow them to thrive. A donation of only $900 can furnish a home for an entire family.